Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Holidays and Back to Nola

Christmas and New Years - wonderfully exhausting. I went shopping in King 0f Prussia, for myself and my dad (did his shopping...). On the Saturday before Christmas, the family and I headed up to New Jersey for my uncle's surprise 60th birthday party! He was definitely surprised. We drove back home, to turn around on Christmas day to go to Connecticut. I finally met my cousin's son, Eli, who they adopted from Ethiopia in the summer. He's adorable! We had lots of fun watching him and making him laugh. The whole family also had a blast playing Stewart's Wii. Who knew?

Liam and Denis

Dad (even with a cast, he's competitive), Denis, Aunt Margie
Mom, Me, Eileen (I think Eileen just beat me)

Mom, Colette, Me (I think I just beat Colette!)

After Christmas, I headed down to DC (actually NOVA) to visit Tiffany and Arielle, my roommates in college. I took the Chinatown bus from Philly to DC - quite convenient. Arielle, Tiffany and I fell right back into the swing of things (after not seeing each other for over 6 months) by talking non-stop, shopping for shoes, and watching movies. It was great to hang out with some familiar people :)
After crawling all up and down the Northeast (Connecticut, NY, NJ, PA, DC), I flew back to Nola on January 2nd.

January 3rd I began my spring intersession class, Training Methodologies in Developing Countries. A picture of the class:

The class was amazing - I met so many interesting people and feel like I really learned how to use appropriate training methods! Now I just need some practical experience. In the few days between end of the intersession and start of official classes, I'm going to work on finding a practicum for this summer. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Goodnight, goodnight!
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
That I shall saw goodnight,
Till it be morrow.

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