Tuesday, August 5, 2008

DGH update 4 (? I think?)

Here's a quick update of our project - we talked with Action Plus about their proposal to have a domestic violence ward at the hospital and they seemed interested. Elizabeth, the nurse and GBV coordinator, gave us contact information for the central office in Freetown. We contacted them to see if they would be in Kenema (Elizabeth said they might be). They're unfortunately not going to be here but we might be able to schedule something for the Monday before we leave. Katie, Emily and I are working on drafting a basic outline for a proposal to DGH to help Action Plus. We're also meeting with various organizations to confirm/ask about having students do practicums with them (as discussed in our meeting) and following up on lingering questions regarding women's health and rights in Kenema and Sierra Leone.

That's about it - we're also doing lots of other last minute things.

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