Monday, December 10, 2007

Celebration in the Oaks

This weekend was so much fun! After the crazy studying for Complex Emergencies and Biostats, it was a relief to be able to relax, sleep and have fun.

Friday, after Biostats, I took a long, luxurious nap... I didn't even set an alarm! It was delightful. Then, I headed to Frenchman Street for some live jazz with Megan and Alana. Have I told you how much I enjoy live jazz? It's incredible and so different from recorded jazz (which sounds like elevator music to me). But live jazz has energy and life and humor, wrapped up in good music. This weekend, I went to Snug Harbor and heard Ellis Marsalis. With a piano, drums, bass, trombone, and - get this - a xylophone! Who'd have though you could play jazz xylophone? Nevertheless, the concert was great.

Saturday, I moped around the morning, then went to a late lunch with Chelsea to get a po boy. So, this whole time I thought a po boy was more exotic than it actually is - I imagined some kind of weird meat (alligator, for example), in some kind of weird dressing/sauce with some unknown other meat. That's been my past experience with New Orleans food and I expected a po boy to be no different. I was sadly disappointed when a po boy turns out to be a type of hoaggie/sub. Yes, slightly different bread but, in essence, it's a fancy term for a hoaggie. Not that it wasn't good - it was very good - and now I can wow my Northern friends with my experiences with a po boy!

Continuing on - After the po boy experience, Chelsea and I headed toward City Park for their Celebration in the Oaks. We ran in the 2mile Run/Walk to get access to the park first! Along with Blessing, Jen, Emily and Brian, we made it through to end with hot chocolate, cookies, and iced tea. Then the lights - walking through Storyland, the Botanical Gardens and the park... everything was covered in lights and fun. There was even a Cajun Night Before Christmas! Here are some pics...

Then, I raced back to the house to go out with Mal, Claudie and Uncle Mal. We went to a wonderful steak house that I've walked past almost every day (it's at the corner of Josephine and St. Charles). Then we went to the Column's Hotel (also along St. Charles, also very fancy!).

Sunday was a relaxing day of rest and some studying!

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